Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Domestic Cheese  Catalog

Domestic Cheese

Alemar Cheese Company

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Alemar Cheese began in 2009 with the idea that great milk combined with careful attention to detail could produce extraordinary cheese.  With a focus on French-inspired soft-ripened cheese, Alemar produces a small number of outstanding, award-winning cheeses. Recently relocated to Minneapolis at Food Building, they are making our best cheese ever in an exceptional environment. 




Blue Earth

Blue Earth is a bright, grassy, buttery and versatile brie.

Q8301000 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Wheel · 2.5 lb



Fromage Blanc

Translating directly to "white cheese," this fresh cheese is prized for its smooth texture and bright acidity.  

Q8301010 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Tub · 2 lb

Good Thunder

A washed-rind 100% grass fed cow's milk cheese.  It is washed with cultures, love and Surly Bender beer. Some describe it as Bent River's stinky little brother.

Q8301030 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Square ·  12/8 oz.

Sakatah (Seasonal)

Sakatah is a native Dakota term meaning "singing hills."  It is also the name of a beloved state park in southern Minnesota.  It is a soft-ripened 100% grass fed cow's milk cheese wrapped in brandy-pickled Minnesota grape leaves. 

 Q8301040 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Square · 12/ 8 oz. · Seasonal


Soft-ripened, geo-rind gem. Fluffy, tangy, with a spreadable, light but slightly fudgy texture. Perfectly suited to occupy the most difficult spot on a cheese board, complex and unique, but not heavy on the palate. 

Q8301048 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Wheel ·  2/4 oz.

Bent River Camembert

Camembert-style Bent River is Alemar's flagship cheese. Named after the sharp turn of the Minnesota just a few hundred yards from their original production site, it is released at roughly five weeks. Over the next seven weeks or so, the cheese will ripen to full maturity. During that time, the texture and flavor profile will change, but at all stages you'll have a Camembert that will rival the best around.

Q8301020 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Wheel ·  12/14 oz.



Boom Island Camembert

Q8301047 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Soft · Square ·  12/7 oz.



St. James

This Tomme-style cheese is great for the whole family and enjoyable in many applications. Firm, but not hard in texture. Flavorful, but not overwhelming in flavor. Grate, shred, or melt into pastas, salads, eggs, potatos, and anywhere else. Excellent on any cheese plate, or just as a snack!

Q8301035 · Pasteurized · Cow's Milk · Semi-Soft · Wheel · 2/2.5 lb


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