Fortune Fish & Gourmet

The Seafood & Gourmet Specialists

Fortune Fish School



Seiners-  These vessels use surrounding and seine nets and comprise a large group appearing in all sizes, ranging from open boats, usually at least 10m in length, to ocean going vessels.


                 Purse seines



American Seines - These vessels are most common and like all purse seiners are most effective vessels for catching schooling species near the surface.


Tuna Purse Seiner - These vessels are large purse seiners with the the same general layout as the American seiner, but equipt to handle large and heavy purse seines fro tuna.  They may be outfitted with bow thrusters for improved maneuverability.  


Two Boat Seine/Drum Seine - These seiners have the same basic layout as an American seiner with the exception that a drum is used instead of a power block.  This technology is used mainly in the US and Canada.


European Seines -  These seinres are common in Scandinavia, the North Sea, Baltic, and all waters fish by European nations.  


Seine Netter - These vessels will assume characteristics dependent on where they are used.  In northern Europe the basic types of seine netters are the Anchor seiner.

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