Fortune Fish & Gourmet

Seafood & Gourmet Products


Salmon, Farmed - North Road

North Road premium farmed Salmon is sourced from the finest farms of the Faroe Islands, Norway and Scotland.  Each week depending on weather, seasonality, pricing and availability, the highest quality fish are brought in from these areas.  As the Vikings traveled north from the southern tip of Norway towards Iceland, they were nourished by the fertile fishing grounds along the way.  They called this passage the "North Road."  Today this waterway still provides cold, pristine water and the ideal environment for raising spectacular Salmon.  In order for any product to receive the "North Road" distinction, it must be the finest farmed Salmon with superior fat content, flavor and texture.  The fish are all graded in our facility, by hand with complete traceability back to the individual farm they came from. 

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