Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Our Commitments

Our Commitments

As leaders in the seafood industry, we find ourselves at the forefront of a new wave of sustainability practice. As trends in seafood production shift, we find it our responsibility to provide promote and market environmentally friendly wild fisheries and aquaculture. We believe an investment in sustainability is an investment in the future of America and the world.


Health and Environmental Benefits

  • We believe that healthier oceans lead to healthier people. The State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 reports “The greening of fisheries and aquaculture requires the overall recognition of their wider societal roles- in particular of small-scale operations for local economic growth, poverty reduction and food security”.
  • Investing in sustainability ensures that healthy, environmentally friendly options will continue to be available. The FAO reports, “Responsible stewardship over environmental impact will be important as farmed seafood production expands. Availability of these important foods is critical for future generations of Americans to meet their needs for a healthy diet. “
  • Seafood is the clear choice for meeting both health and environmental benefits because of its low levels of GHG emission and land/ water use.

Responsibility in the Private Sector

  • The State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 reports, “In addition to the efforts of government institutions, enabling fisheries and aquaculture to flourish responsibly and sustainably requires the full involvement of civil society and the private sector”.
  • We uphold rigorous standards for sustainability in all aspects of our business from close oversight of our vendors to numerous office energy conservation and recycling initiatives.

An Investment in the Future

  • We uphold sustainable practice in hope of ensuring the availability of a healthy food supply for future generations. The expansion of sustainable practice will lead to greater global food security for generations to come.
  • The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee reports “promoting sustainable fishing and aquaculture can provide an example of broader ecosystem stewardship”.
  • By investing in the oceans of tomorrow, we are working for the continued health and well-being of the environment and of individuals.
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