Fortune Fish & Gourmet

The Seafood & Gourmet Specialists

Looking for certainty this week? Well, like the old saying goes, death and taxes are for sure, and, at least from Fortune, you can count on great fish.  You can keep the fireworks going this week with some tried and true stalwarts and some exciting specials.  Here’s what’s on the dock…
Wild Yukon Keta season has kicked off with mixed results and limited success.  Landings are sporadic, to say the least, mostly due to water temps and levels.  The season still hangs in the balance, but you can count on us this week to support your needs.  Yukon Keta is many rungs above all other Keta when it comes to the quality ladder.  The size and color of this fish are really in their own class when it comes to this species.  The Yukon fish have a higher fat content than Sockeye and present beautifully on the plate.  Plus, its one of the most price-attractive fish you can buy. 
Sockeye landings are finally arriving in mass quantities, bringing the market down to friendly levels.  This is another fish you want to run this week.  Supply will be consistent, and quality will be ideal as flights are bringing us product daily.  Sockeye is a healthy, light option, great on the plate to combat the hot summer sun. 
In Florida, the boats are hitting on Grey Tilefish, also known as Blueline.  These fish have a gorgeous bluish- grey skin and the meat is white, flaky, and succulent.  They feed on crab and crustaceans, so their flavor is exquisitely sweet and delicate.  They won’t be on them for long, so this is a perfect black board special for the week.
Also on the menu this week, we are getting some of our first catches of Wild Florida Pompano.  Known to be a delicacy that hardly ever makes it out of the local area, Wild Pompano have a distinctive, buttery flavor and offer a tasty pop that few fish rival.  Supply will be limited, as we are lucky to get just a few, but they are worth their weight in the hassle.  Don’t miss out on this considerable find! 


Gourmet Grab

Over the years, Fortune has been adding more high quality pantry items, so we are certain to  meet our customers' needs. From rice and grains, to dried fruits and nuts, we have a wide array of products whether it be for a side dish or a snack for your customers.  Working with great partners, we’ve been able to expand these retail ready offerings.

Fortune is now offering a selections of beans and lentils from Great River Organic Milling. Founded in 1975, they are located near the upper Mississippi River in western Wisconsin. The natural beauty of the surrounding area is a constant reminder of the importance and responsibility to be good land stewards. With this in mind, it leads to the products being carefully selected to ensure that quality exceeds expectations.  Fortune is currently stocking Great River Organic Milling's French Green Lentils, Heritage Lentils, Red Lentils, Garbanzo Beans, Pinto Beans and Black Turtle Beans with new products on the way, so be sure to stay tuned.

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