We gained an hour last weekend for maybe the last time, and November seems to be using it to sleep in. The month has started out quiet and this week there’s a full moon, blistering wind, and cooling weather – the perfect mixtape of incoming winter. It’s also the perfect reason to gather around the stove, fire up the hearth, and make some delicious food. If that doesn’t warm you, the libations will. Here’s some information to help you navigate the weeks before the holiday.

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While there are plenty of real-world problems to keep us up at night, the week of Halloween is a perfect time to take a break from the burdens of reality and embrace the ghosts and ghouls of our childhood. You know, the ones that kept us up at night only to disappear with a flip of a light switch or a check under the bed. Sometimes it’s ok to escape into the fifth dimension for a little reprieve. Maybe we are all due for a little treat and a few tricks. Here’s a look at some scary good offers, follow us, if you dare.

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The trees are enflamed by the bright leaves, dressing the streets in tiny campfires of color. The autumnal changing of the guard is uncloaking right before our eyes and the brilliant spectacle has got us thinking…it’s time to talk turkey! The feast of the season will be here before you know it, so get your birds in a row and wine pairings ready. Whether it’s securing the perfect bird or navigating the next storm, the Fortune team is here to help.

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It feels like Fall is already here; the winds are blowing cold, we’ve had our first hurricane visit from Fiona, and next week is October – National Seafood Month! The air is electric, everything is pumpkin again and it’s time to enjoy the cool breezes, changing colors, and the sweet treats looming in the distance. Now, it is more important than ever to keep those healthy summer trends going and celebrate the upcoming month with the perfect protein. Here is what’s comin’ off the docks this week.

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It’s rainy and cold, it’s sunny and hot. The Packers look depleted, and the Bears look undefeated. Welcome to the September circus! There’s a lot going on, with certainties changing faster than the weatherman’s wardrobe. We have some expert prognosticators here to help you get through the next couple of weeks with your head above water and food costs in line. So take a read and give us a call for the best picks to sure-up every menu.

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This weekend marks the unofficial-official end of summer. Just don’t tell the weather, because, from the looks of the forecast, we are staring into some beautiful upcoming days. The oppressive heat has dwindled into a pleasant twilight, ripe for the grills and cold beers of lingering celebrations. It’s the perfect time to take a day to honor our labor of love.

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It’s mid-July and we can feel the summer settling in as it stretches its fingers across the country. Seems like every weekend has a plan and each one is quickly cascading off the calendar like a line of dominoes steered by an invisible hand. We can’t look back and we can’t look forward, because if we do, we’ll miss what’s right in front of us. Here’s to celebrating every day as we have it; eat, drink, smile, and savor it.

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Summer is kicking the tires on June and you can already feel the heat from the kitchens as the engines rev. The race may just be starting, but it already feels like the checkered flag is in sight. We all know it goes by so fast. Before you can blink, take a look at some of the offerings we have to get you ahead of the pack and into the winner’s circle.

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Heatwaves, hamburgers, and hotdogs are forecasted for the weekend, but Memorial Day fare doesn’t have to be the usual suspects this year. You can eat beyond the bun and try some healthy alternatives, starting with fresh seafood. We have some selections that are perfect for the patio, pool, or wherever you find yourself this weekend, you just simply have to dive in!

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Finally, after the showers and the flowers, here comes the sun, and I think we are all ready for the rays. Spring is here at last, not only in spirit, but also in climate, and we can march on into summer with the enthusiasm and confidence that comes with this glorious weather. We have a lot of exciting and enticing selections, so dust off the patio furniture and put away the heat lamps - it’s time to get cooking.

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2022 seems to be flying by, faster than the weather can keep up. We are already heading into Mother's Day, a special day for the most important people in the world. It's a day in which we all try to impress the people we love. You can never be too ready to create the perfect dish.

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This week culminates with two holidays - Easter and Passover - and just about all of us staring into the rose-colored glasses of Spring. Even the rainy days won’t slow down the sunshine. With winter completely in the rearview, it’s time to ramp up the new season selections and open the patios for more seating. However, with changing tides - come migrating fish, so it’s best to talk to your Fortune specialists early and often to make sure your menus are covered.

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This week would lead you to believe that we are stuck in an unending winter, destined to a Groundhog Day effect of snow, freeze, repeat. But don’t be fooled, not even on the 1st, because the Spring is coming, and so are the glorious days of sunshine, tanned feet, and fresh seafood. You can’t wait and neither can we, so why not get started feeling brighter right away?

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Tick tock and the clocks are rolling forward and lent is moving along. Meatless dining is en vogue and going green is on deck as we prepare for St. Patrick’s Day and a long weekend of festivities. You don’t have to be lucky to get good fish, you simply must follow the green trucks to your next great plate.

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Lent kicks off this week so we will turn our eyes toward spring and our appetites toward the Friday fish fry. The fish fry is an age-old tradition that stirs the warm memories of sunshine and fireflies and reminds us that we are so much closer to sunglasses and sandals. You will need the right blend of flavor, quality, and price to pull off the perfect fry, and we are ready to help unmask the players on the plates.

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Well, the big game and the big day are behind us now and that means we have just a few more cold weeks to keep us burrowed in until the Spring is here. You don’t have to wait out winter like a hermit though, because there are plenty of good reasons to leave the house – one of the prime ones being to grab a delicious meal. But you don’t have to overpay for good food. February is an excellent time to find deals, and we have the options that you have been hunting for to keep the lights on until the sunshine returns.

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The Superbowl is set, Valentine’s Day is confirmed, but, outside of that – and death and taxes of course – not much else is guaranteed. Getting product in on time has become as confusing and difficult as Tom Brady’s retirement. Let us help you create the perfect game plan to combat the uncertainties of what is shaping up to be an exciting weekend.

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Grey skies and overcast cold can seem to go on forever this time of year. It’s hard to find the rays of light at times, in an otherwise dark season. Spring will come, like a promise that always keeps, so cling to your resolutions and don’t break under the pressure of bad habits. January is always a test of our resolve - here’s to passing with flying colors.

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Writing “2022” on correspondence just doesn’t feel natural yet. It’s too new, surreal, like we are pretending to be in some future date while the rest of the world has stopped moving. But alas, we are here, our feet kicking to gain traction on the nascent ground of what is to become another chapter of a spinning earth. The rules are continuously changing, so we would like to offer a few constants you can count on while looking for stable ground. At least for the week ahead…

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