The finish line is so close, you can almost feel it beckoning, like a glistening red ribbon waiting to be snipped so that we can open the gift that is 2021. Before we say auf wiedersehen and old acquaintance be forgot, we should take these holidays to revel in the simple fact that we have made it here and celebrate the largeness in that. Tis’ the season for such reflection and appreciation of all that we still have and all that we have left to give. Fortune would like to thank you all for making this journey with us, and we know - that together - the future will be brighter and better.

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The festival of lights begins this weekend and, hopefully, in a few weeks Santa will find his way, as we sure could use some hope and cheer, not to mention a sleigh full of vaccines. It is the season for merriment and no pandemic should get in the way, even one that has outstayed its welcome. It’s time to put the negativity behind us and look to appreciate the day in front of us. What a wonderful world - it can be.

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We would like to start this week off by thanking all our Veterans. It is important to remember their sacrifices because our freedoms do not come cheap. In order to celebrate our incredible nation, you are going to need excellent fare.

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It's midway through National Seafood Month, and we are seeing Mother Nature balance her inventory. Just as one season closes, another one opens, so that we are never without choices. It’s a beautiful pendulum that keeps our bellies full of the healthiest protein. Here’s an update on the revolving doors.

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The moon will be on full display as September passes the torch to October this week. The dim fall lighting is already settling in and soon we will have to reset our clocks to back up the fading light. There’s hope ahead, though. In this city, there’s plenty of baseball left, the Bears are finding ways to win, and our patios are holding off the winter with brave faces and collective ingenuity. There’s that electricity in the air, with that feeling, that yes, we can do let’s get to work.

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This Labor Day weekend is bringing a lot of baggage as it rolls into town. With many of us in this industry just struggling to stay working, it seems like a perfect opportunity to pause and take a look around. You can’t deny the amazement you may feel just to still be here, white-knuckled and hanging on. There’s a lot of work ahead of us, including this weekend, but we would like to thank you all for doing what you do and want you to remember the why and what it means to keep going. Keep Calm and Cook on…

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Summer sunsets are dwindling down as the pinks and blues are fading faster by the minute. We are headed into that liminal space where Nature adjusts Her scales; in between a recoiling summer and yawning fall. Don’t get caught hanging on to season’s past or waiting empty handed for the next to come. Here are some items to keep the kitchen hot for the next few weeks.

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As if we don't have enough disruptions in our lives right now, hurricane season was made official in Florida this weekend, and Isaias has continued to ravage the East Coast this week. As residents prepared to take cover, boats were chased to shore by a middle-management hurricane. Fishermen will try to get back out this week; most of the smaller vessels were hardest hit with the longest delays, but the good news for us is that we have a plethora of fresh fish and other wonderful items to offer to give the week a sunny outlook no matter what the days bring. Here’s a look on the bright side…

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July’s heat is busy turning concrete into lava as summer is reaching its tipping point. Hopefully the wave will crest, and we can ride some comfortable temperatures into August. For now, we can all enjoy dining out in the shade with some light fare and cool specials.

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Looking for certainty this week? Well, like the old saying goes, death and taxes are for sure, and, at least from Fortune, you can count on great fish. You can keep the fireworks going this week with some tried and true stalwarts and some exciting specials. Here’s what’s on the dock…

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Summer has begun and with July sitting on deck, it’s hard to imagine that we have made it here in one piece. But here we are, the fish are running, the kegs are pumping, and it looks like we will get our party on in the masked face of some indelible odds. In a world of mixed messages, trepidation, and immediate judgement, sometimes keeping the party going is all you can, or need, to do.

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Our industry has been rocked with setbacks the last few months, culminating with last week’s looting and destruction. It feels as if everything that can be thrown at us has been, including the kitchen sink. Yet, here we are, on the brink of Father’s Day and Summer, prepping and persevering. In the midst of all the healing that needs to happen, we are here to spread the message of hope, and love, and equality by opening our doors and our tables to the opportunity to break bread together. Our businesses provide a space for all people to converge and share their food, their ideas, their heartbreak, and their joy. This industry is built around strong individuals that have a calling and who, when tried, will refuse to surrender. Ours is a passion, not a profession. We can’t solve all the problems in a day, or go back to the way it was, but we can start putting new pieces together for a better tomorrow. Here are some options to help feed those who are hungry for some good news.

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Life has changed significantly in these last few months. We have seen communities coming together showing their love for each other, and we hear the words ‘Thank You’ a lot more these days. All sports are still under the lock down, no baseball, no Indianapolis 500 during the Memorial Day weekend, no sporting events all over the world. This year is a different year with streets still empty due to the virus, slowly but surely we are starting to see things slowly begin to open up with new guidance from our local governments along with that comes new ways to work with lower capacities, and wearing a face mask is the new normal. On the bright side, the start of summer, warm weather, a little rain, and grilling season is here.

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New recipes, old friends, Insta-stars, holidays, National BBQ month…no matter what the reason is, they are all good for getting people motivated to expand their culinary horizons. Many of life’s little commercial pleasures have been stripped from us, but it’s undeniable that people not only have to eat, but they also really enjoy it. It’s one of those innate desires that brings us satisfaction and delight. So, in that spirit, here are some options that will deliver a smile to the table.

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We may have to keep apart from each other - but, thankfully, we don’t have to social distance from the beautiful bounty that is springing up all around us. Not all states are allowing restaurants to open their doors yet, but that isn’t stopping the tulips from popping or the trees from budding. With all these colors comes Mother's Day and Fortune has a bounty of items from land and sea to make her day special and show her how much we appreciate her.

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Many of people sheltering in place are yearning for creative activities to occupy our minds and hands with all this newfound home time. Cooking at home is one remedy that has numerous positive attributes. It creates positive memories with long lasting family bonds, encourages curiosity in foreign foods, and best of all better communication skills and teamwork between our families.

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We are well into the thick of it concerning the Corona virus, and we are all adapting to survive. Empty streets and silenced store fronts are haunting images of a shuttered society, but, inside the fabric of every family, the lights are staying on as people are staying in. There is a flickering hope that swells in these micro-communities that are brought together around dinning room tables across the country. Whether its Skype dinners, Whatsapp cocktail dates, or simple speaker-phone meal preps, we are staying connected and staying fed. Here are some insights into how to keep feeding the nation.

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We are slowly learning what it means to live in a corona-present world, taking one lump at a time, and it appears that the cloudy future is more than mystifying. Our industry is based on gathering people together, hosting them and feeding them, tenets that will have a hard time surviving in this new world. We will have to adapt and find new ways to support our customers and communities. The strength of our creativity and collective imagination is going to be tested, but, people will eat.

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We are going to roll the clocks forward this weekend and hopefully get a running start into Spring. It’s time to catch the days by the tail. In order to get ahead, you must find the savings, those hiding and those right under your nose. It’s not easy in a topsy-turvy world such as Seafood, but with some attention and a little help from Mother Nature, you just may make it into the next season leaning forward instead of falling backward.

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Mardi Gras is approaching fast and, with it, the Lenten Season, which means we get to sacrifice that favorite treat for what seems like forever. But before we go into that life of abstinence, we get to live it up and gorge ourselves, culminating with Fat Tuesday, the party of all parties. Time to get the gumbo going and beads strung, the mud bugs are ready and so are we; it’s time to kick it up, Cajun style. While most of us are planning for the ruckus, our team in Minnesota is taking a different type of plunge into madness. To help raise money for the Special Olympics, brave members of Fortune Minnesota are jumping into a freezing lake on February 29th.

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