Tuesday, September 17, 2024
| From 10:00 AM - 4:45 PM

Fortune Fish & Gourmet National Expo 2024

THANK YOU to all of our wonderful vendors, partners, and #TeamFortune for making this year’s Expo truly fin-tastic! 🐟 The oyster shucking contest was a blast, the fromage challenge had us stumped, and the tuna breakdown was a sight to see, but our favorite part was getting to know the hardworking people behind the foods that make up the Fortune family. ❤️ We left feeling so full in our bellies, minds, and hearts! We’re counting down the days until the next one!



Original event link.


We are thrilled to announce our 2024 National Expo at Chicago’s Navy Pier on Tuesday, September 17. Dive into the fun with us!
🍽️ Delight your taste buds by sampling delicious products from over 200 fishermen, growers, and artisan producers.
🧀 Have your mind blown by our soon-to-be-famous fromage challenge.
🐟 Behold all manner of seafood spectacles including an oyster shucking competition & a bluefin tuna breakdown and tasting.
🌎 Engage with our panel discussions on protein & sustainability.
🍹 Float your boat with complimentary beverages.   
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