Fortune Fish & Gourmet

The Seafood & Gourmet Specialists

Tuesday, April 21, 2015
| From 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Fortune Fish & Gourmet Regional Food Show -Grand Rapids


Parking is available in the City Parking Structure "Weston & Commerce" (on the corner of Commerce Ave SW & Weston St SW).  Vouchers will be available when you check in at the show, park first, then we will give you a voucher for when you leave.  This parking structure is just a 3 minute walk to the event.

Vendors who will be exhibiting:


American Tuna

Beehive Cheese Company

Big Fork Bacon Sausage


The Brinery -Fermentation Presentation at 2:00

Clancy's Fancy 

Cook's Bison Ranch

Culinary Collective

Chef's Martin Old World Butcher Shop Sausage

Conservas Ortiz

Creminelli Fine Meats

David's Condiments

Esch Road

Fabrique Delice

i love sweets

Kalona SuperNatural

La Clare Farms


Landmark Creamery

Marin French

Martha's Pimento Cheese

McClure's Pickles

Quince & Apple

Rolling Meadows Farm

Rustic Bakery

Scrumptious Pantry

Smoking Goose Charcuterie

Stu's Kitchen

Tulip Tree Creamery

White Toque

Zingerman's Creamery

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