Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Cod, Skrei

Norway is blessed with the largest Cod stock in the world. Cod love Norway's rough, cold waters and strong currents.  From early January through April millions of migrating Cod make their annual journey from the Barents Sea back to their spawning grounds along the northern Norwegian coast.  This specialty type of cod is known as Skrei Cod.  Skrei takes its name from the Old Norse verb "å skrida" meaning to migrate or move onward.  Skrei Cod is migrating over vast distances, therefore it has an exceptionally firm, white flesh.  It is a lean and tasty fish of the highest quality.   The cod can only be labelled Skrei Cod if it meets strict time and storage requirements all the way from the sea to your kitchen.   
Norway's fishing industry is rigorously managed through quotas and concessions. The Directorate of Fisheries, the Coast Guard and the sales associations share the responsibility of ensuring that fishing in Norway is carried out as it should be.  The cod fishery is carefully managed and MSC certified, only 10% of the migrating cod are allowed to be caught each year.


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