Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Halibut, Atlantic - Farmed Norway

Atlantic Halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, has a unique history in Norwegian culture that goes back thousands of years. As early as 6000 years ago, during the Stone Age, halibut had been elevated to a high status. Images of halibut have been found carved into rock walls in Norway (probably to bring good fortune to fishing expeditions). Images of halibut are so numerous that it is clear its status as the grandest of all fish - the only saltwater fish to be invoked and worshipped by Norwegian ancestors.
Fortune's farmraised Atlantic Halibut is a high quality and pure Norwegian product, produced in selected fjords in Rogaland.  Every phase of production from breeding to adult is carefully managed.  In order to achieve the best possible fish, there are indoor brood stock plants, where the fish spend the first time of their life. This is a very protected environment, with fresh seawater and each fish has its own living quarters. The fish is then moved to southwestern Norway for further growth. And finally, the fish are moved to seafarms in Vassvik and Kjeurda in Hjelmeland in Ryfylke where the fish grow for 5 years before beeing processed.  Norwegian Atlantic Halibut has a meaty, white and moist flesh.

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