Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Japanese Amberjack, Hamachi

Seriola quinqueradiata, Japanese Amberjack, also known as Hamachi native to the nortwest Pacific Ocean from Japan to Hawaii. Fortune's Hamachi is raised in Japan with the intent to cultivate the tastiest and healthiest of Jack fish.

The combination of larger and lower density cages and wholesome feed allows for these fish to grow in a more desireable manner. The larger cages allow for more exercise, which promotes an even distribution of fat throughout the body, which essentially yields tastier fish.  These farms are also conscious of maintaining a clean, pristine enviornment. They regularly monitor and sustain environmental standards, well above those required by law.

Hamachi has a white to a light golden colored meat with a good fat and oil content that makes it buttery but not overpowering. 

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