Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Salmon, Wild Alaskan

Fortune Fish Company works hard to bring you the freshest fish based on availability, and during peak season our salmon come from several different locations.

Copper River (kings and sockeye) - a 300 mile river in south central Alaska. It is named for the abundant copper deposits along the upper river. The Copper River commercial salmon season begins in mid-May with king salmon till mid-June, followed by sockeye mid-May to mid-August, and ends with coho mid-August to late September. Copper River salmon are strong robust creatures with a healthy store of natural oils and body fat. These qualities make it among the richest, most flavorful fish in the world. We currently have kings and sockeye, but these fish fly out of here so be sure to get them before the season is over!

Resurrection Bay (sockeye) - located on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. It gets its name from Alexandr Baranov, a Russian fur trader and explorer, who was forced to retreat into the bay during a bad storm in the Gulf of Alaska. When the storm settled it was Easter Sunday, so the bay and nearby Resurrection River were named in honor of it.

Cook Inlet (sockeye) - spans 180 miles from the Gulf of Alaska to Anchorage. It is the most densely populated area of Alaska. It’s basin contains large oil, gas, and coal deposits. The inlet was named after James Cook, the famous European explorer. When not being filmed by the Discovery Channel for the Deadliest Catch the Time bandit is used for Cook Inlet salmon tendering.

Kodiak (sockeye) - one of the top 3 fishing ports in the United States. Kodiak means Island in the native language. It’s highly productive salmon industry is due in part to the fact that there are over 800 salmon streams in the Kodiak Management Area. The island is also known worldwide by hunters for the unique Kodiak bear, the largest of the brown bears.

Chignik (sockeye) - located at Anchorage Bay on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula. Chignik means Big Wind in the Aleut language. There are currently only 60 houses in Chignik and of these 60 only half are occupied. Many people hold dual residency in either Kodiak or Anchorage, migrating for the summer salmon season. Besides fishing there are few other jobs in the community.

Bristol Bay (sockeye) - located just on the other side (north side) of the Alaska Peninsula from Chignik at the eastern-most area of the Bering Sea. The northern region of the bay experiences some of the highest tides in the world, in excess of 30 feet. This along with the strong winds, sandbars, and shoals make navigating the bay extremely dangerous for large vessels. The bay is named after the Admiral Earl of Bristol in England by the famous explorer Captain James Cook (from Cook Inlet).

Southeast Alaska and Canadian TrollCaught - In addition to harvesting salmon from the above Alaskan fishing grounds we continue to receive troll-caught salmon (Alaska and Canada). 

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