Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Tilapia, Pezco

PezCo is a private company made up of family owned and operated Columbian farmers with decades of experience managing certified sustainable fish farms.  Columbia is the 4th largest country in the world by magnitude of total freshwater supply and is surrounded by two oceans.  These resources make it a pristine place to raise fish.  The fish are raised in two regions of Columbia.   The reservoir-based farm with biosecure floating enclosures is located where the Magdalena River and Yaguara River come together.    The independent land-based lake systems with recirculating water are located in the valleys irrigated by fresh water springs from the Andean Cordilleras.  The Pezco farms and all the aquaculture in this region are all Best Aquaculture Practices certified and the water resources are managed and restricted by the Columbian government.  PezCo Tilapia is also Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified sustainable. 

Pezco has complete control over the fish from hatchery to processing.  The fish are fed a nutritious, balanced diet with the highest quality grain available in the industry.

Nile tilapia is one of the most consumed species of tilapia in the United States due to such a delicious flavor and affordable price. Nile tilapia has a mild, firm texture that makes it easy to absorb robust flavors and offers you a variety of different cooking methods.  PezCo Tilapia cooks up white in color with a mild “non-muddy” taste and a slightly firm, flakey texture. PezCo Tilapia is free of additives and preservatives. PezCo Tilapia is not treated with Carbon Monoxide, and no chemicals, growth hormones or antibiotics are used in raising the fish.  PezCo is a socially responsible company that complies with all national and international labor standards.  



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