Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Import Cheese  Catalog

Import Cheese

Italian Cheese


Millefoglie al Tartufo

Pasteurised cow's milk cheese refined with the black summer truffle from Acqualanga and aged at least 5 months. The rind is thin and smooth with a light beige colour; the paste is compact, hard and ivotry white; pieces of black truffles can be seen across the paste. The taste is intense full to the palate, with strong hints of truffle. 

I0500100 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Semi-Soft · 3.5 lb 1/4 Wheel


Montasio DOP

This cheese has a thin and elastic straw colored rind with a compact paste with small eyes scattered throughout.  Originally produced by the Monks fo the Moggio Udinese monestary in 1200, it became Montasio and began being commercially sold in 1775.  The long history of this cheese assures you that it is a recipe deep seeded tradition.  The taste is smooth, creamy, slightly sweet and delicate, with a smooth and buttery aftertaste.

I0500150 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Semi-Soft · 12 lb 


Ubriaco al Prosecco

Typical cheese from Veneto area, produced with pasteurised cow's milk, refined with white grapes and aged at least 6 months. The rind of the cheese is thin and straw to golden yellow in color, some grape dregs are still visible on the top, the paste is straw yellow in color with medium sized eyes scattered across. The taste is sweet, with hints of ripe fruit and light vinous notes. 

I0500180 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Semi-Firm · 14 lb



Ubriaco with Red Wine

Typical cheese from Veneto area, produced with pasteurised cow's milk, refined with red grapes and aged for at least 6 months. The rind is burgundy red, in color because of the affinage; the paste is ivory to light straw in color, with medium sized eyes scattered across. The taste is weeet and milky, with a pleasant aroma of wine, especially near the rind.

I0500190 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Semi-Firm · 14 lb


Lattebusche Extra Aged Piave

With a sweet, full-bodied flavor and  nutty, fruity and floral notes.  This is great on a cheese board or served as a grading cheese.  Often compared to a young Parmigiano Reggiano.

F1100100 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Firm · 14 lb 

Buffalo's Caciottona with Glera

Big size 'caciotta style' cheese produced with pasteurized buffalo's milk of Italian origin, aged with pomace and wine. The rind is thin and ivory white, covered with marc; the paste is compact, smooth, and a similar color to the rind. The flavor is sweet, round, and fruity, with notes of cream and the aroma of marc; the aftertaste is long, with aromas of Glera grapes and hints of cellar, wood, and grappa neard the rinds. Aged at least 3 months.
I0500700 · Pasteurized Buffalo's Milk · Semi-Firm 1/15 lb 

Parmigiano Reggiano


Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Vacche Brune (Caseificio) Gennari (24-Months)

Parmigiano produced with raw milk obtained only from Bruna Italiana cows breed; aged at least twenty four months. The texture is crumbly, grainy, and flaky with a ivory white to pale yellow color. It is sweet and well balanced, with hints of hazelnuts and grass in the aftertaste.

I0500450 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Firm · 11 lb 1/8 Wheel

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP Vacche Brune (Caseificio) Gennari (48-Months)

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP produced with raw cow's milk from Brown cows raised at Gennari's farm. The appearance is compact and irregular yet still elastic in texture and an amber color. The flavor is complex and pungent, with notes of hazelnut, almond, and dried fruit. 

I0500430 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Firm · lb

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP (Caseificio) Gennari

An elegant Parmigiano Reggiano DOP produced by Gennari with raw cow's milk. The wheel is compact with a thick yellow to amber rind. The paste is compact, hard, and grainy and yellow in color with a balanced and mild flavor. Aged at least twenty six months.

I0500400 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Firm · 12 lb 1/8 Wheel

Parmigiano Reggiano (Ambrosi)

This DOP cheese is known as the "king of cheeses" from the regions of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna  and Manua, Italy.  Made exclusively of cow's milk and carefully aged for a minimum of 12 months.  The hard rind and grainy texture give way to a sophisticated taste with a pleasant, slightly herbal fragrance.

Q8100535 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · 24+ Month Aged · Firm · 10 lb
Q8100530 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · 18+ month Aged · Firm · 20 lb
Q8100700 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Firm · 12/7 oz.




Pecorino Romano DOP Costa Nera

The classic Pecorino Romano DOP produced with thermised milk of Sarda sheep breed collected only from the members of the cooperative. The rind is a straw yellow, covered with a black coat; the paste is hard with few eyes, white or pale yellow in color. The taste is intense and savoury with notes of milk. Aged for at least five months.

I0500370 · Pasteurized Sheep's Milk · Firm · 8 lb 1/8 Wheel


Pecorino Romano (Ambrosi)

Q8100715 · Pasteurized Cow's Milk · Firm · 10/7 oz.

Pecorino Toscano DOP (Valsana)

Pecorino produced with pasteurized sheep's milk exclusively from the Maremma area and aged at least two months. The shape is cylindrical and the rind is thick. Its color is medium to dark yellow. The paste is compact without any eyes and ivory white in color. The taste is flavorful and well balanced. Aged at least sixty days. 

I0500300 · Pasteurized Sheep's Milk · Semi-Firm · 4.4 lb 1/6 Wheel

Pecorino Cortonese · 4 Month

This cheese looks like a Pecorino Toscano, however is produced in a different region, giving it its own flavor profile.  Pecorino Cortonese is a bit more 'sheepy' than Toscano, and has a citrus zing and nutty.  There is a richness and tang reminiscent of sun-dried tomatoes.  This cheese is produced January to June when the sheep's milk is at its peak in flavor and yield, and i sthen aged in wicker baskets.

81200555 · Pasteurized Sheep's Milk · Semi-Firm · 4 lb 

Gran Cao

Pecorino produced in Sardinia with milk from Sarda sheeps collected only from members of the CAO (Cooperativa Allevatori Ovini) cooperative. The paste is compact and straw yellow, with small eyes scattered across; the rind is hard and smooth. Flavour is delicate, with a vegetal and floral note which makes it unique. Aged for at least nine months.

I0500380 · Pasterurized Sheep's Milk · Semi-Firm · 1/4 lb
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