Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Gourmet Foods Catalog


Ames Farms

Delano, Minnesota

Brian Fredericksen, founder of Ames Farms, champions single—source honey. Unlike most honey makers who combine the comb of several different bee boxes, Ames Farm’s approach is different. They extract and bottle only that particular honey of each 34 pound box, resulting in a truly single - source honey. When they can determine the source, they name their single—source honeys after the floral bloom and nectar that the bees collected then turn into honey. Each of their single—source honeys are uniquely traceable. Printed on every bottle is the hive number, bee yard location, and the year of extraction. Ames Farms prides itself on producing authentic honeys in a traditional manner.
Ames Farm is nationally recognized for producing their single - source honey. They strategically locate their bee yards in close proximity to large sources of successively flowering plants and trees. Ames Farms continually monitor the honey that the bees are storing following a particular bloom and nectar flow. They then go the extra step to segregate, extract, and bottle honey from each of the honey "supers" ( a box used to house 8-10 frames used to collect the honey from bees) to preserve the unique color and flavor profile of each variety.


U4100703 · Raw Honey · 1/12 lb

U4100830 · Raw Bulk · 2.9 lb.
U4100930 · Variety · 24/2 oz.
U4100940 · Mixed 3 Pack · 7/3/2 oz.

U4100920 · Variety · 12/9 oz.

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