Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Gourmet Foods Catalog


Granola Factory

Bethleham, Pennsylvania

It all started in 1988 when Robert and Suzanne Virgilio fulfilled their dream of owning a bed and breakfast, The Bethlehem Inn. They bought and fixed up the Inn, then they needed breakfast.  After weeks of baking in the kitchen, Suzanne came up with a honey pecan granola.
After years of serving the granola to guests at the B&B, along with many other baked goods, they decided it was time to offer their granola outside the inn. They built a commercial kitchen in the basement and began baking and packaging our granola for retail stores throughout eastern Pennsylvania. In no time, the granola grew in popularity, and they once again need to expand their baking operations.


Honey Pecan Granola- Original

This simple all-natural combination of seven ingredients has been served at the Bethleham Inn, B&B since 1988. 

W7001700 · UPC 094922581587 · 6/11 oz.

Grains & Honey Granola

The same delicious recipe as the all-natural honey pecan, but made with organic oats and organic honey.

W7001710 · UPC 094922581594 · 6/11 oz.

Native Berry Granola

This recipe is the perfect fusion of plum blueberries, whole cranberries and unique spices. It is baked in small batches--five trays at a time--using the same handmade baking techniques used at The Bethlehem Inn, B&B since 1988.

W7001720 · UPC 094922581570 · 6/11 oz.


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