Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood |  Shellfish Catalog


Blue Bay PEI Mussels


Blue Bay mussels come from the naturally cold and pristine waters that surround the coasts of Prince Edward Island, Canada.  This area is known for the best quality mussels in the world.  Fresh from the farms through the factory and delivered to you, Blue Bay mussels are produced by Atlantic Aqua Farms with a single focus, premium quality. 
The waters around PEI are regularly inspected as part of the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program which ensures coastal waters are clean and the mussels are free of any toxins.  To start the process, Blue Bay mussel seeds are collected on ropes suspended in the water as part of a naturally occurring, renewable and expandable supply.   Mussels are cultivated in mesh “socks” suspended in the water column where it takes about 18-24 months for them to reach a market size of about 2.5”.  This method of aquaculture is widely recognized as the most environmentally responsible because it does not involve dredging the ocean floor.
Atlantic Aqua Farms is the #1 supplier of live, PEI mussels in North America.  In October, 2013, the Global Aquaculture Alliance announced that AAF had been certified as the world’s first mussel farm to obtain BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices) certification.  BAP certification is a science-based, international aquaculture certification program that assures healthful foods produced through environmentally and socially responsible means. AAF plants are fully CFIA/HACCP compliant and regularly undergo stringent 3rd party audits.  In June, 2012, AAF announced that it was the first PEI mussel company to successfully complete the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certified
Live mussels are processed with care and gentle handling to ensure they are not stressed and arrive into the markets as vibrant, healthy and strong.  Blue Bay mussels are washed, cleaned, de-bearded and graded before packing.  “Not all PEI mussels are created equal” as we are known for our premium quality.  Blue Bay mussels are clean, uniform of size along with consistently good meat to shell ratios – they are “pot ready” for chefs. 
Delicious and versatile Blue Bay mussels are naturally low in calories and a good source of Omega-3’s.  Always 100% natural and contain no additives, preservatives, chemicals, hormones or antibiotics.  





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