Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Rockfish, Pacific Red

The Pacific Red Rock Fish consists of almost 70 different species and are found from Baja California to the Bering Sea in Alaska.  Out of these 70 species, only about 12 are sold commercially.  They are usually simply broken into “red rockfish” or “black rockfish.”  There are several different market names for the Pacific Rock Fish like Rock Cod, Pacific Ocean Perch, and the most popular “Pacific Snapper.”  There are actually no “true” snappers found on the West Coast of the U.S., so this is purely a marketing term for the fish.  The rockfish is speculated to have a life span of over 100 years.  They grow slowly and reach full maturity late in life.  They are the most important year round source of ground fish on the West Coast with catches at their heaviest during the summer months.  They are caught with traditional hook and line, bottom long-line and trolled.  The Pacific Red Rockfish produces a fillet that is low in oil content, which gives it a longer shelf-life.  It has a large flake and a tender texture.  They have a mild flavor with a slightly sweet finish.  The rockfish is fairly versatile in the kitchen, although because of the large flake, it is not ideal for grilling.  Rockfish are caught either by trawl or hook and line.  While most rockfish are trawl-caught under an individualized quota system, many consider hook and line Rockfish to be a superior product, especially in the fresh market where appearance and size are important.


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