Fortune Fish & Gourmet

The Seafood & Gourmet Specialists


Parasite Control

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration published an updated version of "Fish and Fishery Products, Hazards and Controls Guidance" manual.  It states "Parasites (in the larval stage) consumed in uncooked or undercooked seafood can present a human health hazard".    In order to eliminate parasites as a significant hazard when we are unsure of the products intended use, Fortune Fish is required by the FDA to obtain documented assurance from our customers that the fish will be processed in a way that will kill the parasites.  In order to fulfill this requirement and educate our customers on the potential hazards, the bottom of all our invoices state the following "The above signed assures that all parasitic fish species purchased and received will be processed in a way that will kill all possible parasites".  We have also added the following to the lid of all our boxes "Fresh, never frozen, uncooked products are not intended for raw fish consumption, they have not been processed to kill any parasites or pathogens according to the FDA".


The following parameters are sufficient to kill the parasites in fish prior to being served raw or undercooked for consumption;

  • Freezing and storing at an ambient temperature -4oF (-20oC) or below for 7 days (total time); or
  • Freezing at an ambient temperature of -31ºF (-35ºC) or below until solid and storing at an ambient temperature of -31ºF (-35ºC) or below for 15 hours; or
  • Freezing at an ambient temperature of -31ºF (-35ºC) or below until solid and storing at an ambient temperature of -4ºC (-20ºC) or below for 24 hours.
Note:  These conditions may not be suitable for freezing particularly large fish (e.g., thicker than 6 inches).  It may be necessary for you to conduct a study to determine effective control parameters specific to your freezing method, fish thickness, fish species, method of preparation, and target parasites.
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