Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood |  Shellfish Catalog


Pacific Blue Shrimp, Natural Pacific

Fortune is proud to work with Delta Blue, an environmentally minded cooperative working with fisheries and aquaculture producers in Latin America, to bring you premium Pacific Blue Shrimp, Penaeus stylirostris.  Delta Blue shrimp sources shrimp from vessels that are involved in a Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP).  The shrimp are caught off the coast of Las Bocas, Sonora, a small Mexican fishing village along the Gulf of California.  Pacific Blue Shrimp are extremely sweet with a firm texture.  
Shrimp is the most important fishery in Mexico. It has the highest economic value of landings. It is also the highest ranked fishery in terms of number of vessels and number of direct jobs.  The artisanal Sonora shrimp fishery alone generates landings of 1,485 tons annually.  The local villagers go out in small (27ft) boats equipped with outboard motors and catch shrimp using entangling nets that can be operated by just three fishermen.  This fishing technique greatly reduces bycatch to almost none. 
According to the National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA) the stocks in the Sinaloa shrimp fishery have been overexploited and require additional management.  Other concerns include IUU fishing vessels and unauthorized fishing gear.  In 2009, a MSC pre-assessment of the Gulf of California fisheries was conducted in order to identify sustainability improvement needs, and in 2010 the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) facilitated meetings with shrimp producers and local government to formalize a Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP). Since the inception of the FIP, work has been done to reduce IUU fishing, monitor and reduce bycatch, and improve landing records, as well as strengthen fishery management regulations. Click the link for more information on the Gulf of California Sinaloa Artisanal Shrimp FIP.
By purchasing Pacific Blue Shrimp you can help support the fishermen thay are working hard to improve this fishery.
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