Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood |  Shellfish Catalog


White Shrimp

White Shrimp is found on the eastern coast and throughout the Gulf of Mexico. White Shrimp postlarvae are usually carried into estuaries by tides and wind. After just a few short months they return as adults. The difference between white shrimp and brown shrimp, especially in the smaller sizes, are very slight. White shrimp are not grooved like brown shrimp.


Quality white shrimp have a bite or snap and a pleasant shrimp taste. 


Most White Shrimp are landed in Louisiana which opens its season in early May. Production at that time is limited to mostly inland waters, and shrimp are small. As the season continues, shrimp can grow by as much as one size per week. The larger shrimp are graded by size and processed. All shrimp trawlers are required to use a certified Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD) and Turtle Excluder Device (TED) to allow unwanted fish and sea turtles to escape the trawl nets. 

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