Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Perch, Yellow Lake

The Yellow Perch is dusky olive green over the back, and its sides are yellow or yellow-green marked with six to eight broad, dusky, vertical bars. Its belly is white. Yellow lake perch populations were impacted dramatically in the 1900s. This was due to spawning habitat loss, invasive species and over fishing. Yellow Perch can vary greatly in size between bodies of water, but adults are usually between 4-10 inches in length and weigh about 5 oz on average. Yellow Perch are one of the finest flavored of all pan fish. The white, flaky meat is firm, white, and sweet-tasting. Lake Erie Yellow Perch populations have increased through careful commercial fishing management and the tough, resilient nature of the species. Fortune sources Yellow Lake Perch from Lake Erie, which represents 85% of the commercial catch. They are caught by gill-net.


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