Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Flounder, California

California Flounder, Paralichthys californicus, is a large-tooth flatfish native to the Pacific Coast from Quillayute River, Washington to southern Baja California. It is a member of the left-eyed Flounder family of fish, and is smaller than the more northern ranging Pacific Halibut. The top side of California Flounder is a mottled brown color, and the bottom is off white. California Flounder is the most popular of all southern California groundfish and just as tasty as Pacific Halibut. The meat is delicate, light, flavorful and mild. California Flounder has a broad appeal and can be prepared a variety of ways. California Flounder are aggressive predators. They are typically fished using hook and line. This type of fishing is very selective and bycatch can be released easily. California Flounder can be fished year-round. 

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