Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Flounder (Fluke)

Flounder or “Fluke” is a flatfish. Flatfish are found all over the world and there are around 540 species. True Flounders are found in Northern waters and our Flounder is caught on the Northern East coast of the United States. All flatfish have both eyes on one side of the head. They all begin life as round fish and one eye migrates as it becomes a bottom-dwelling fish. All commercially important soles and Flounders are right-eyed except Fluke which is left-eyed. The market size for Flounder is about 1 to 5 lb and all flatfish yield 4 fillets unlike round fish that yield 2. Raw Flounder ranges from tan, to pinkish, to snow-white, but the cooked meat of all species is pure white with a small flake and mild flavor. The sweet taste and firm texture of the Yellowtail Flounder is a favorite as well as lemon and gray sole. Flounder are caught by hook and line, trawl and trap-net. The highest quality resulting from the trap-net fishery. The fishery is heavily regulated in America and each state has its own regulation on when and how the fish can be caught.

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