Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Steelhead, Riverence

Steelhead is an anadromous (ocean run)  form of Rainbow Trout.  Steelhead tend to develop a slimmer profile, become more silvery in color and typically grow much larger than the rainbow trout that remain in freshwater.

Located along the Snake River in Idaho's Magic Valley, Riverence fish are respectfully raised in sustainable, land-based farms.  

These gourmet Red Steelhead are raised from an elite pedigree Steelhead bookstock in pure spring water.  They are fed a high-grade astaxanthin-rich diet for optimal nutrition. Astaxanthin is a all natural micronutrient that gives ocean-run Steelhead their rich red flesh color, without the ocean.  Each fish is fully traceable due to the farm being fully integrated, from broodstock and egg through grow-out and processing.  Riverence Steelhead are never given growth hormones or preventative antibiotics. 

Riverence Steelhead have a tender, medium texture that flakes easily.  They are much milder in flavor than Salmon.  



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