Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Steelhead, Organic Canadian

Organic Canadian Steelhead are being produced by the first certified organic steelhead farm in North America, in the cold, clean waters of Lake Huron.  Steelhead is an anadromous (ocean run)  form of Rainbow Trout.  Steelhead tend to develop a slimmer profile, become more silvery in color and typically grow much larger than the rainbow trout that remain in freshwater.


Steelhead is a very versatile fish.  It is low in fat and high in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. The appearance, taste and texture of steelhead is very similar to salmon.


Organic Canadian Steelhead are certified to the Organic Aquaculture Standards of Canada. This certification is reviewed annually through a third party audit conducted by Global Trust. The fish are raised in as natural conditions as possible, short of swimming free in the wild. Organic Canadian Steelhead are raised without antibiotics, hormones or chemicals.  The fish are raised in pens in the waters off the world’s largest freshwater island, Manitoulin Island in Northern Ontario.  The farm has a strong focus on sustainable production and minimizing their impact on local fish population and the environment.



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