Fortune Fish Gourmet & Seafood | Finfish Catalog


Steelhead, California

Steelhead is an anadromous (ocean run)  form of Rainbow Trout.  Steelhead tend to develop a slimmer profile, become more silvery in color and typically grow much larger than the rainbow trout that remain in freshwater.

These beautiful Stealhead are raised in the foothills of northern California.  The farm uses the clear, cold spring water that flows from the base of the mountains.  This water is flowing at a high velocity which creates a stronger more muscular fish.  The constant cold temperatures make it the ideal growing conditions year round.

The farm is commited to rearing the fish sustainably and efficiently, including only using feed that is responsibly sourced.

Steelhead is a very versatile fish.  It is low in fat and high in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. The appearance, taste and texture of Steelhead is very similar to Salmon.

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